"Visual Quotations"

Photographs by Richard Freeman

Recent Florida Wildlife Images

These are some recent images waiting to be placed in their permanent home "Florida Wild" in "Nature's Way." I am busy re-working the whole portfolio at this moment. The images from the Suwannee were taken over a 3 day kayak trip. I was intrigued by the tectures of the wood, which I was "seeing" in black and white (well, shades of gray). The second folder are of the Sandhill Cranes as they wintered in Paynes Prairie. Due to the water saturation levels, they settled just off the main walking trail! One image is of a white crane, this is a Whooping Crane, one of only about 450 left in the wild. Several migrate with the Sandhill Cranes. Not the best shot, but I had to show it.

The Suwannee River
The Suwannee River
Sandhill Cranes @ Paynes Prairie
Sandhill Cranes @ Paynes Prairie

©2017 Richard Freeman. All rights reserved.